You may know that your mouth is full of bacteria, even if you brush and floss your teeth. Fortunately, not all of the bacteria are bad.
Of course, there are definitely bacteria you should remove. For instance, plaque comes from these bad bacteria. Sadly, plaque may erode your teeth and cause cavities. If not removed, plaque could harden into tartar, which can’t be removed without specialized tools. Clearly, you want to remove the bacteria that lead to this type of problem.
Conversely, good bacteria can actually help you avoid dental diseases. Specifically, the good bacteria inside your mouth will regulate the effects of bad bacteria. This is extremely important because your mouth will never be completely free from bacteria. This means that keeping your mouth full of good bacteria can help you fight off disease.
Similarly, the good bacteria in your mouth can help with digestion because it will start breaking food down as soon as you start eating. We recommend getting plenty of probiotics to keep good bacteria in your mouth. You can get probiotics through a number of foods including yogurt, sauerkraut, dark chocolate, pickles, and soft cheeses. You can also try taking a supplement.
To learn more about what you can do to keep your smile safe, or to see what you do to keep good and bad bacteria in your mouth balanced, we invite you to contact us. We will gladly address any questions you have.