Did you know that 85% of wisdom teeth will eventually have to be removed? Have you heard that your wisdom teeth can cause serious problems for your smile? Both of these claims are true, but are far from a comprehensive list of facts on wisdom teeth. Please feel free to read on if you are interested in more wisdom teeth trivia.
- Do you ever wonder how wisdom teeth got their name? It’s because these teeth come in last, usually when you are between 17 and 25 years old. This time period is sometimes called the “Age of Wisdom”—hence, the name wisdom teeth.
- Have you heard that your wisdom teeth could grow back? Fortunately, this isn’t true. However, there are some people who are born with one or more extra wisdom teeth. This is a rare occurrence, usually appearing in only 1-2% of the population.
- Some people are born without a tooth in their jawbone—and this is usually a problem. But, with wisdom teeth you may be better off if you are missing one or more. In fact, about 25% of the population is completely missing at least one wisdom tooth.
If you are interested in learning more—or in scheduling an appointment with our dentist—please don’t hesitate to contact us soon. We are eager to hear from you.